This past sunday we had a Booth at Bridal Conference. It was a fantastic time! We are so incredibly excited for the upcoming season and are pretty sure we snagged all of the kind, lovely, sweetheart brides out there! Our inbox is already bursting at the seams with brides wanting to book us, and we feel such gratitude. Gratitude to be able to do something we love. Not everyone loves what they do, or is excited to go to work, but we are.
For that we are truly humbled and blessed.
At this fair, we wanted to do something different. We wanted to reach out and bridge gaps. There is nothing worse then snobiness, and we have found in the past, that bridal vendors (those in the same field) are often very standoff-ish and snobby to one another. Because of competition I assume. But, the fact is, if you are passionate about what you do, you will have clients, regardless of competition. We wanted the freedom to go walk past other photographer's booths as we were browsing the fair, without the panic of them "seeing us" and wondering if we were "scoping out the competition" :)
So, we did what we have always wanted to do. Make friends of our peers. Thats right Internet, we walked right up, introduced ourselves and said "hi"! We complimented their work and discussed photography-ish things (things that would put your average person to sleep) and it was fun! At first they looked at us like we were crazy (im sure thinking "dont they know competitors dont talk???"), but you know what? In no time at all, they came by our booth to chat & mingle some more.
We've always believed that being competitive and snobby just kills the soul and makes your photos ugly (because you are to busy being worried about everyone else, instead of loving your craft), and we were right, being friendly & kind really is the best. We made some fantastic friends of some talented photographers.