HI Adam and Kari and Radelle! Thank you all so very much for the AMAZING photos!!! My heart stopped when they came in the mail, and so soon! Danny and I have been looking at them over and over AND OVER! They are beautiful! Does that make my conceded??? Is that even how you spell conceded? Either way, I love them. WE love them! You caught every detail. From my shoe 'collection' to Danny's beautiful eyes. And when you asked at the dinner to take our rings to take photos of them and we joked that you were going to run off with them...I loved that you left your car keys with us!! You were so fun to hang out with all day! We were thrilled to see what you went off and did with our rings! incorporating the water foutain with them, the stone detail, and using our flowers as a backdrop. I could write this email forever! I am just so excited to have my pictures from you! We really did pick the best photographers ever! And at a great price :)Adam and Kari, you were a great addition to the day! What amazing people you are and I loved every idea you had for our pictures. You made it so easy! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much.I look forward to the dress trashing photo session with you. It is going to be a great night and I know you are going to make a great photo opt out of it! Now, I am going to get back to looking through our AMAZING photos for the million-th time! So much for going out on Friday nights...I'de rather sit right here at my computer and look at your amazing work! you are the best decision we made with wedding planning and I recommend you to everyone I see. Love always, Alanna and Danny Young