I like to think of myself as a happy, up-beat person. I'll tell you why I am. Here is the secret. I just love my life. I am married to the most talented man ever. He is also so kind, so generous of heart and so thoughtful. He really treats me like a princess, and as such, I am a huge believer in love. This seems to come through in my photos, and I have Adam to thank for that. Not only does he impress me with his photographic techniques/poses/shots/ideas all the time, but he is the inspiration for mine. Additionally, I am totally blessed with the most darling baby face you ever did see. Rockwell lights up my life and gives me so much joy. He reminds me of what really matters in life. Relationships & Love. I am a romantic and always will be. I am sooo in the right profession with the right husband and son. Here is a quick picture of those that I love.