These two are what Love is. As such, we have about a million images to blog. These are just a few to get you really excited for the rest (they are breathtaking). These were just picked at random, but show the variety that we got, the dramatic, the romantic, the classic portrait and there is only about 500 more to come (ok so not all of them on the blog!). Krystal and Booker are madly in love with each other, and it was our lovely and ulta fun job to capture that for them.
So on to our ity bity tiny weeny sneak peek....

(emailed to us..)
"Seriously, so beautiful!!! eekk! i cannot wait to get the disk! they are amazing, and beautiful!!! oh, i just feel so in love just looking at them!!! you've done good!"
(we love you too krystal!)